Our Grading System | Charterhouse Muller
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Our Grading System

What grade is my product?

What does grading mean?


Grading identifies the condition of the product we receive.

Our Grading System


Hover on each image to see the full device.

Grade A


Excellent Condition


Devices are in excellent cosmetic condition with no signs of previous use. No scratches to the screen and no markings/dents to the housing. Devices are fully functional, with a battery life of at least 80% and security features have been disabled

Grade B


Good Condition


Devices are in good cosmetic condition with slight signs of previous use. These include light scratches to the screen and housing. No deep scratches to the screen or dents to the housing. Devices are fully functional; with a battery life of at least 80% and security features will have been disabled.

Grade B iPad Front>
Scrolling Image Frame
Grade B iPad Back>
Scrolling Image Frame
Grade B Laptop>
Scrolling Image Frame

Grade C


Average Condition


Devices are well used with major signs of previous use but fully functional. These include deep and multiple scratches to the screen, worn keyboards and keypads, dents or damage to housing.

Grade C iPad Front>
Scrolling Image Frame
Grade C iPad Back>
Scrolling Image Frame
Grade C Laptop>
Scrolling Image Frame

Grade D


Damaged/Faulty Devices


Devices are damaged or faulty and require repair to be fully functional. This includes (but not limited to) cracked/damaged screen, faulty ports, missing parts, faulty components, permanent security/company markings, misshaped/bent devices, or if battery life is less than 80%. Security features will have been disabled.

iPad Grade D front>
Scrolling Image Frame
iPad Grade D back>
Scrolling Image Frame
Grade D Laptop>
Scrolling Image Frame

Grade E


Non Functional Devices


Devices are beyond economic repair or locked to accounts/remote management.

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